What Happens After the Dark Night of the Soul? You Heal
- Redaction Team
- Personal Development, Spirit
4 Years have past since my spiritual awakening experience, that of course went through a Dark Night of the Soul.
This type of experiences can be described differently, and each of one has it own uniqueness that may have a different meaning for each individual.
The Dark Night of the Soul that I’ve experienced can be listed on the harsh and quick kundalini awakening experiences where life changes also occur fast, and one has to keep up with the pace, since life or the universe itself bring the opportunities in a certain pace.
I also have searched for answers of what happens next after a Dark Night of the Soul, and I get it, one wants to “feel on the top”, “feel normal” or just “forget what happened and keep the same old life”, but in my opinion it doesn’t work in that way, and probably others will also think that way.
It works in the way that the self and the soul start to give direction to, or eventually the universe/God shows you the way to, “your better and higher self”.
Right after my spiritual awakening, I followed my intuition when I had that inner sense of changing and leaving the life I built in Germany, and move back to my hometown in Mexico, since the priority was the “me”, to “heal the me/myself”, probably I could say, to unite the broken parts inside me I was not aware of until the awakening (the considered repressed negative aspects or shadow).
Understanding the Dark Night of the Soul
In terms of spirituality, there are conceptual names that are given to such experiences, and since people have experienced being “in the deepest dark of their lives” there might be different ways of calling it, being the most popular the “Dark Night of the Soul”, given the name based on the poem of St. John of the Cross.
What was the Dark Night of the Soul for me?
To recall what is the Dark Night of the Soul, in my experience, it was a moment where there was an internal struggle between what I could say it was the ego and the soul.
There was a clash going up inside my mind, body and probably also the soul, where I wanted to hid pain, but it was not possible anymore, and in contrast I wanted to show and talk about love for the outside world, acting as Jesus, and here it is when the Christ consciousness comes in.
I entered in an altered state of consciousness where I was switching between personalities or to an alter ego, as if I was attempting to become magically into something new by leaving everything behind and killing the ego. Some may call it a spiritual bypass.
At my Dark Night of the Soul, I could also include the concept of Ego Death, since that day I was on a “mission of something bigger” where the ego has to be left out or “killed”.
Common Triggers for the Dark Night of the Soul
There are multiple triggers to have an spiritual awakening experiences and in my opinion as well to really reach an inflection point, a person has to go through the dark night of the soul.
And as Carl Jung said “There is no coming to consciousness without pain.”
From economical burden, loss of a loved one, physical issues or in general the life one is living can all have an impact that can be the trigger of leading to a dark night of the soul.
The thing is that in these cycles of death and rebirth, it is neccessary to go through discomfort and pain, to step into the unknown in order to gradually become something new.
The fear we have of “ego death” is actually an illusion, because after we go through the Dark Night of the Soul, and as time have passed, we become thankful of having experienced that “frightening moment”.
In a certain way, having passed through those harsh triggers eventually have led people to reach first that internal peace, and eventually also to become that version of the new self.
Navigating the Healing Journey to Reach the new Self
The Role of Meditation and Visualization in Reclaiming Wholeness
So how to reach that new self?
A self that is a happier, healthier, richer, smarter, aware of all emotions without keeping them for longer periods, and even more pretty/handsome, or as you want to describe your new self.
Many self-help books talk about the visualization techniques and that you will become what you think, feel and to take care about your thoughts, feelings and desires.
At a certain point, yes, but I think that the balance between “being and doing” to manifest is an important step.
How much we will desire to be healthy, but we don’t think we are healthy and do the proper diet changes that will also help to manifest that new healthier version?
How much we will desire to have a good fit body, but we don’t do excercise, rest properly, and also talk positive about our bodies?
How much we will desire to have a better income, but we don’t keep developing ourselves, become more valuables to the market and develop multiple sources of income?
Yes, visualizing helps to aim where you are going now in your new journey by writing down affirmations, thoughts and goal lists, and certainly is a step, but the “remaining on the frequency”, in my opinion is to do the constant small actions that will eventually lead you to the desired new outcome.
Healing Tips for your Spiritual Awakening and Healing Journey
As a general tip, eventually your same soul will lead you towards the areas you will have to focus.
The overall well-being is on the balance of the body, the mind and the soul.
For me, the last 4 years after my awakening has become an ups and downs, not as a heavy roller coaster as a dark night of the soul, but my physical healing has been manifesting mainly because I have also taken action to heal myself by dedicating time to feed myself with healing foods, such as the juice therapy, proper meals that don’t include gluten or reduced amount of proccessed foods and added sugars and eliminate as well any other inflammatory or triggering foods for me like strawberries and bluberries. It has been important to do the right amount of excercise that also don’t overwhelm my body with stress. As well, it was key for me to find the proper brand and dose of levothyroxine to support my thyroid. Plus, respect my sleep hours.
- Do blood lab tests on different aspects to search for nutritional defficiencies (Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Zinc, Calcium levels etc) or surplus of sugar, LDL, HDL cholesterol etc.
- Address nutritional defficiencies
- Seek out with a food sensitivity test for food allergies such as Gluten, Diary, Eggs, Corn, Sugar.
- Include whole and healing foods (Kiwi, Ginger, Cilantro, Spirulina, Curcumin, Mango, Cucumber, Walnuts, Peacans, Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds, Kefir, Greek Yogurt, Papaya, Banana, Coconut)
- Eliminate or reduce proccessed foods.
- Juicing therapy. (Green Juice, Beet, Carrot, Apple Juice, or find a mix of , Natural fruit or vegetable juices)
- Add supplements according to your needs.
- Check thyroid labs (T3, T4, TSH, T3 inverse), autoimmune anitbodies labs (TPO, TGAB) and hormone labs (Pregnenolone)
- If a doctor is going to give you any sort of medication, start from lower dose and adjust accordingly. (Medication is generally just a "Band-Aid" to a support a body issue, but it is not what it will fully help to heal the body)
- Grounding and time in nature.
- Exercise
- Sleep
For the mind, I have been dedicating time to nature and planting trees, which it is not only good for the environment, but also I use this practice as a stress relief. I also see myself that developing my online projects is a manifestation of my creativity, that also eventually helps me on the economic side to generate multiple sources of income. Becoming more conscious of my thoughts when external events happen has also been a result of the spiritual awakening. This doesn’t mean that I am more “Zen” and “Peace”, but I acknowledge the feelings that appear and don’t repress them as often as I used to do.
- Stress relief activities: Reading, going for a walk, listening music, dancing
- Nature / animal work
- Talking therapy
- Journaling
- Spotting and understanding own subconscious patterns
- Shadow work and integrating the suppressed emotions to be channeled into new form of energy such as creative arts or creative work
- Dedicating time to heal childhood emotional traumas
- Hashimoto and Thyroid Issues are psychological related to being unable to express oneself, and talk onself truth, therefore focusing on expressing such emotions and not suppressing them is important.
- Understand sickness as an invitation to change, evolve, grow and heal, similar to the point of view of the German New Medicine.
And in the spiritual side, I do keep some daily shower meditation, or just after getting up from bed or before going to bed. What I have lost interest at all is to go to church. I believe in the internal power of prayer and also the power of collective prayer and meditation, but as I see, the catholic church has been getting far from really teaching this topics such as an spiritual awakening, achieveing new level of consciousness and enlighment, the activation of the pineal gland, the dark night of the soul, ego death and that God is within, which currently is being taught to seeking God outside.
- Practicing gratitude
- Acknowledging that a higher power, God/The Universe/The Greater Consciousness/ The Source, is already guiding us towards healing
- Practice own spiritual prayer. (In my opinion, regardless of religion, they can lead towards connecting with God
- Spiritual prayers for healing ancestral trauma
- Developing an attitude of not self identifying with the mind, and knowing how to merge and balance the spirit, the mind and the body
- Understanding that everything is connected.
- Angels follow you in your healing path and guide you in the form of synchronicities.
- Find out about chakra blockages and work towards it.