A Brand Ambassador is a person who represents a company or business to the public. This means that it is an image or figure whose values and attitudes are similar to those with which a particular company is identified.
In principle, it should not be a well-known public figure such as actresses, actors or other members of the artistic media; it can be a person whose values are shared with those that the brand enhances, becoming popular by representing the image of the company.
Evidently, half the work is done when figures recognized by the public are used, so that users can immediately identify them and associate them with the particular brand.
However, this does not mean that a person who is not known in the media cannot be a Brand Ambassador, but that it will take longer for the public to associate the figure with the brand.
In addition to this, the morals and values of those who become Brand Ambassadors of a brand must be impeccable, because if their reputation is kept high or broken, so is the image of the company in the eyes of the public.
On the other hand, the term Brand Ambassador is something new, but its concept is not, because since advertising has existed, so have the figures that represent brands.
This is due to the fact that those who first studied the behavior of the public in front of marketing strategies, noticed the effectiveness of associating a famous character with any company and from there they have exploited this advantage.
These strategies became very popular in the 80s; however, their use remained relatively stagnant until today, when the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic forced many to move their jobs, studies and even social life to the digital realm.
This new way of life also boosted commerce through the Internet, forcing users to acquire everything through this medium and giving companies with a virtual presence the opportunity to use the figure of the Brand Ambassador to their advantage.