WPML Credits – 🌐 Optimize your WordPress Translation Costs
With the WPML automatic translation improvement in the recent years, it has also incorporated the WPML Credits to decide how to distribute the content to be translated.
As we have mentioned in the Weglot vs WPML, the automatic translation is becoming an important feature for the best translation WordPress plugins, and WPML knows it, therefore the WPML DeepL integration has been a key update.
Keep reading to learn more about the use of WPML Credits and what you can do to optimize its use.

- Redaction Team
- Digital Marketing, Multilingual WordPress
WPML Pricing
WPML has three different pricing plans, which the most popular has been the Multilingual CMS.
And we actually recommend the WPML Multilingual CMS over the Multilingual Blog, because it has more features and it also now includes 90,000 translation credits.
Instead of using the Multilingual Blog, we would recommend between WPML vs Translatepress, to choose the second one, because it has a free version and can help to translate to one language a small blog.
In the case of being an agency or freelancer that works with multiple websites, then the Agency plan is the best option since it helps to translate a unlimited number of websites.
The WPML Credits of the Agency plan doubles in number to 180,000.
But overall, we recommend the WPML Multilingual CMS plan, specially if you are going to focus your website on multilingual content.
Multilingual Blog
Translate posts, pages and custom types
Translate tags, categories and custom taxonomy
Translate WordPress menus
1 Website you can register
One year of free updates
Multilingual CMS
Multilingual Blog Features
Translate widgets
90,000 translation credits
Translate texts in theme and plugins admin
Manage attachments in different languages
3 Websites you can register
One year of free updates
Multilingual Agency
Multilingual CMS Features
180,000 translation credits
Unlimited Websites you can register
One year of free updates
Renewal per year $119
WPML Credits
With WPML, there are three translation engines that can be used such as DeepL, Google Translator and Microsoft Azure.
DeepL has become one of the most reliable and accurate translations engines to be used, hence we highly recommend to have this as the main translation engine. Unfortunately the languages that it can translate is still limited and can be checked here: https://ate.wpml.org/mt_langs
In the last few months we can see that with the addition of DeepL as new translation engine option, is a work on the improvement of the automatic translation of wordpress. Although, WPML can still be considered to be slower than Weglot when translating content.
The translation engines are based on different cost of credits. They are as follow:
- 1 credit per word in cases of Microsoft Azure
- 2 credits per word, in cases of Google Translator.
- 2 credits per word in cases of DeepL.
The costs of WPML credits is as follows.
- From 0 to 2000 credits completely free.
- From 2001 to 5000 credits $2.
- From 5001 to 15000 credits $7.
- From 15001 to 50000 credits $15.
- From 50001 to 100000 credits $17.
- From 100001 to 500000 credits $72.
These price ranges are only for those websites that are registered with WPML.org with valid accounts. Those who are not will have a surcharge on their monthly payment of $2.98 for automatic translation.
In the following graph we can check the WPML credits cost by one, this way we can know exactly the cost.
We have added the costs per credit of the WPML Credits to have a visual image of which range is actually recommended to be using the credits.
The range of 5,000 to 15,000 could be considered as the higher price of a WPML Credit, therefore a recommended range is any bigger than this. Of course, as more WPML credits are used, the cost per credits will be reduced.