What is emotional intelligence? Definition and Examples

The way we relate to our environment is one of the main elements to have a good or bad social life. Emotional intelligence is one of the most important factors that have more influence in the interaction of people.

Knowing what emotional intelligence is and the basic examples is very important, since the better we understand it, the better we will be able to put it into practice in our interpersonal relationship with the social circle we belong to.

Learn everything you need to know about emotional intelligence and the importance of knowing how to manage it.

What is emotional intelligence
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Definition of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a concept that if you do not pay attention to its components, it can be difficult to understand, so we will try to give the best definition of emotional intelligence to have a good understanding of the concept and above all to put it into practice.

We are not born with high emotional intelligence, that is why it is even more important to understand what it is and to know if we put it into practice, if we have it or if it is necessary to know how to develop emotional intelligence for our life and interaction with others.

Emotional intelligence is the humans ability to manage, handle, understand, analyze and respond to their own emotions and those of others.

That is, to be able to understand what you are feeling in a situation and how it is correct to act.

It is not easy to manage emotions, especially in situations that can be considered dangerous, but with a well-developed emotional intelligence is the possibility of learning to properly manage our emotions.

Developing emotional intelligence is also a part of developing entrepreneurial skills.

To better understand the definition of emotional intelligence, we can break it down into its components and define each one.

Components of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is composed of 4 main factors, which can better explain what this ability is about, which all human beings should possess, but some do not know how to manage it.

These are the components or characteristics of emotional intelligence that we should take into account:

Perception of emotions

In emotional intelligence, the first step is to know how to perceive emotions, especially when there is no verbalization of it. In many cases, greater attention must be paid to the self-awareness of body language or gestures.

Reasoning of emotions

Emotions help to better understand situations and to give import and priority to certain things. Both one’s own emotions and those of others serve to force awareness of scenarios and give oneself the time management to understand what is going on.

Understanding emotions

Knowing what the emotions we are feeling or that other people are showing us mean, is the main element of emotional intelligence, as this allows us to know how to react appropriately.

Managing emotions

The most complicated characteristic of emotional intelligence to carry out. Managing emotions can be achieved when the previous factors have been handled correctly. It is knowing how to manage what you feel and what others show.

Emotional intelligence is important

The importance of emotional intelligence is based on what this competency can do for human beings, their emotional quotient and their coexistence in society. 

Knowing how to manage emotions and react in the right way can avoid many conflicts.

Taking into account the types of emotional intelligence is another way to understand the importance of knowing how to develop this ability. Knowing when and how to express your emotions gives you the power to control certain situations that can be dangerous.

In addition, knowing how to perceive other people’s emotions and manage them can open many doors at the work level, since you can work in different areas of human management and behavior, knowing how to manage a group of people and meet their needs.

On the other hand, emotional intelligence can be applied in any area of your life, since emotions are present at all times and having control over them can help to avoid situations or provide opportunities.

Examples of emotional intelligence

In daily life we can find different examples of emotional intelligence, allowing us to understand the level that people have to face situations and adapt to different environments.

When we refer to emotional intelligence is not only knowing where you can laugh out loud and where not, or cry inconsolably, or perhaps respond with aggression and violence in a situation that does not deserve it.

Emotional intelligence is quite complex, so we will list a series of examples to understand what emotional intelligence is and the importance of knowing how to develop it.

Of these 10 examples of emotional intelligence, you can see most in everyday life, whether in the circle of friends, family or work, since emotions are with us at all times, it is important to know how to manage and level them.

If you think you do not have emotional intelligence, investigate how to develop emotional intelligence and help you understand the emotions of others.

Emotional Intelligence Resources 

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