
What triggers Hashimoto Thyroiditis? Find your root causes!

What triggers Hashimoto
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Hashimoto is an autoimmune disease that can be perfectly managed nad put the symptoms into remmission if done a correct set of steps to work on the root causes.

Hypothyroidism presents an underactive thyroid, but in almost 90 to 95% of such thyroid disorders is also Hashimoto.

Autoimmune disorders at first migth be complicated to manage as conventional doctors don’t really focus on managing lifestyle as part of the healing and treatment.

Conventional treatment for the symptoms of Hashimoto is to actually just prescribe levothyroxine, which is the thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

Unfortunately, this is the general treatment and nothing else.

If doctors don’t focus on finding in first place the root causes of your Hashimoto, that will mean that you will eventually present some symptoms even if your thyroid hormone levels are normal.

Symptoms and causes of Hashimoto Thyroiditis - Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

The most common symptoms of Hashimoto are.

  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Cold sensitivity
  • Lack of sleep
  • “Feeling slow”
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Enlarged thyroid gland
  • Depression
  • Joint pain
  • Goiter
  • Increased sleepiness
  • Nervousness and tremours

But the problem is that conventional medicine is oriented to focus on the symptoms and not on the root causes that might be triggering these symptoms.

What at some point you might consider these symptoms as normal, they are actually not.

There are some root causes that generated your Hashimotos, and it is your responsibility to find it out.

Some of the causes that are triggering your Hashimoto could be food sensitivities like gluten, high levels of cortisol and stress, a leaky gut, represessed feelings, lack of sleep and or nutritional defficiencies to name some.

Food Sensitivities - Gluten

One aspect that could be triggering your Hashimoto symptoms are food sensitivities.

In my case I had to do some lab test to check out which foods were generating autoimmune response in my body.

Conventional doctors rarely ask for this test.

A homeopath asked me to do it so, and my functional medicine doctor based on it to work on my treatment.

One common food trigger that causes inflammation on the gut, braind an thyroid is gluten.

Gluten has a protein that is named gliadin.

When gliadin enters the blood stream through a leaky gut, the body response will be to attack it.

Since gliadin has a similar structure than the thyroid gland, the response is of the immune system attacking it as well as the thyroid gland due to this mimicry.

As well, the body might have some other sensitivities that can be the cause of the Hashimoto triggers.

Ideally would be to to the food sensitivity test, but if not, is to test out by an elimination diet, but this could take some time.

Diary is one food that is usually recommended to leave out, but for example in my case in the test, it showed that I could intermediately eat diary food.

But I had to leave out oranges, oatmeal, beans and some other foods.

High levels of Cortisol and Stress

When a person is in a constant fight or flight mode, the signals that are given to the body is to be on stress all the time.

The body is designed to handle certain levels of stress, but not for chronic stress.

Cortisol is the hormone that produces the stress response.

If there are too much of such hormone, then it could cause inflammations on the body, which eventually would affect thyroid health.

Focus on having activities that can help you to reduce stress.

Walking in nature, meditation, yoga, music, dancing, journaling are some recommended practices for lowering stress.

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is when the gut lining gets damaged and toxins filter out to the blood stream, generating reaction around the body.

The antibodies that attack those foreign agent might get confused and also attack some other parts of the body, that in the case of Hashimoto it can be the thyroid gland.

The use of antibiotics can damage your gut, and eventually also be a cause of your leaky gut, and increase the risk of developing autoimmune Thyroiditis, which would be the case if the gut lining is damaged.

To protect the gut, it is recommended to take probiotics like kefir, kimchi, greek yogurt, certain cheeses, plus L-glutamine.

Repressed feelings

The issue with people that show any thyroid function problems might also present emotional problems and the lack of expressing correctly or the lack of saying “No”.

The mental part of working Hashimoto also requires to be conscious of those unexpressed emotions.

As a person represses more and more his feeling and don’t speak up when it is needed, then this emotions acumulate and could generat an negative impact on the body and it can have damage to the thyroid.

Doing inner work, setting boundaries and putting yourself first are some actions to be considered to work on this issue.

Lack of sleep

It is highly recommended to sleep between 7 to 9 hours.

Specially, if you were diagnosed with Hashimoto, it is extremely important that you respect your resting time.

If you don’t focus on this area, then it is probable not resting well will trigger some symptoms, specially fatigue.

If you are an early bird like me, don’t try to push your sleeping hours, but try to go to bed earlier.

In my case, my body wakes up around 5 am every day, even on weekends, so instead of pushing my sleep to wake up at 7 am which is hard for me, I aim to sleep around 8 pm or 9 pm, to get my full time of sleep.

I already know that if I sleep aroun 5 ot 6 hours, the next day I won’t have the same energy.

Nutritional defficiencies

If you are low on Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Selenium, Iodine, Zinc or even other vitamin or mineral, it would be probable that some of your symptoms can be triggered by the lack of it.

Make sure you talk with your functional medicine doctor to check out the possibility of having complete lab tests that can give you a full picture of what is going on into your body.

Thyroid medication can help to get back the hormone levels, but when it comes to nutritional defficiencies, then the right whole foods and the right supplements can be a great aid for you.

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