Treatment for Hashimoto’s with Normal TSH
How many times did you go already with the doctor or doctors questioning yourself, why my TSH is normal and I am still feeling bad?
Don’t worry, you are not the only one, we are several people who have gone through this process until we have found a treatment for Hashimoto’s with normal TSH.
It is confusing, yes it is. Why if I am taking my thyroid meds, I still have multiple symptoms.
Keep up reading my tips so that you can build your own treatment for Hashimoto’s with normal TSH.

- Carlos Barraza
- Body, Hashimoto, Personal Development
Why am I still feeling bad if I have a normal TSH?
First of all, when someone is diagnosed with Hashimoto it does not mean that you have an incurable disease.
Hashimoto is totally manageable if done the right steps towards recovering health.
In my opinion, Hashimoto is just a label that doctors like to give to set people on a segment who certainly have some hormonal imbalances.
The thing is, that Hashimoto is not a Thyroid Problem, it is an immune disorder.
The body is way out of balance and it is needed to be restored.
Most conventional doctors will ignore the root causes and easily blame the thyroid of not working properly. But it is not like that.
There are several Hashimoto symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, joint pain, coldness, dry skin, hair loss, loss of sleep, tiredness after waking up and many more.
So the conventional treatment is to go with the endocrinologist and he will prescribe levothyroxine, which I already have written how I feel awful with levothyroxine.
Before I started my real healing journey, I also went several times with my general doctor. He ran multiple times my T3, T4 and TSH labs, and they were normal, but I was not feeling right.
I waited couple months, went back again, and ran the thyroid lab tests, but again, I had a normal TSH.
So what was wrong with me? I asked myself. The doctor said, we are going to focus on you not on the paper. Your symptoms might be stress.
At that time I didn’t know the relation of Hashimoto and Gluten, which foods to avoid with hashimoto, how to lower antibodies and of course how to heal Hashimoto.
So I kept my life as it was, but not at my best.
I, ignorant at that time, was blaming as well the thyroid, but I was not aware of the habits that I had, even if I considered them healthy.