Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro – Does it worth the upgrade?

Speechelo is one of the best text to speech software available.

The form Speechelo is structured is by adding new features according to the selected plan.

Speechelo has the Standard plan, Speechelo Pro plan and Worldwide plan.

Further in this article, we will discuss Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro to learn if it is better to do the upgrade and get the additional features of Speechelo.

Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro
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Video of Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro

For videos, sometimes it is needed to use some voice overs to give that special touch and grab the attention of the audience.

But sometimes, using voice overs can either cost since you might have the need to hire someone, or you might be a bit shy to use your own voice.

So how to solve this issues, well, the use of Text-to-Speech technologies has been a good solution for some content creators. 

Of course, although there are some Text-to-Speech software that might not have the best and human like voices, but this software has turned out to be an alternative to use in order to add voice over to videos.

As I wanted to have a software like this, in the past I searched for a good tool that can offer Text-to-Speech.

But, the voices were still robotic. So, it was better to keep creating animations with just the simple text and graphics.

It was just several months ago, that I found Speechelo. I read different Speechelo Review, and I was conviced to try it. 

By my surprise, Speechelo had very good voices, they were human like voices. So, I was glad I bought Speechelo.

Then, I got to know that they have a upsell system, so I decided to buy Speechelo Pro, and I could have an extended number of characters that I can turn them into audio.

Following up we, do a comparison of Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro features and how the differences will make to think in buying the upgrade or staying on the standard plan.

Features Comparison of Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro


$ 47 One Time Payment
  • 30 Voices
  • Up to 5,000 Characters per audio
  • 500,000 Total Characters per Month
  • Personal License

Speechelo Pro

$ 147 One Time Payment When Selected
  • 171 Voices
  • Up to 20,000 Characters per audio
  • 700,000 Total Characters per Month
  • Commercial License
  • Campaign Support
  • Merge Audio Files
  • Add Background Music

It is notorious that Speechelo Pro has more features than the Standard version.

Speechelo offers a one time payment that is cheaper for the standard version, and for Speechelo Pro it has both a subscription model or also a one time payment that is much higher.

If you are that kind of person that prefer to spend some more bucks and not be paying every monthm then the One Time payment is an option to choose.

Speechelo Pro has more voices that can be used, and if the artificial intelligence voices are required, then that is a plus for the Pro version.

Speechelo Standrad has the option to create audios with up to 5,000 characters, where the Speechelo Pro version can use up to 20,000. In this case, if longer audios are needed, then the Speechelo Pro is the option.

As well, another difference between Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro is the total amount of characters, where the first has up to 500K characters and the second one can use up to 700K characters per month.

If you are planning to use the voices for personal purposes, then Speechelo Standard is a good one, but if you are also using the audios for clients or other commercial purposes then the Pro version will be required.

As well the Speechelo Pro allows to merge files and to add some background music to the created audios. Although, it is worth mentioning that these can be edited on another software.

Voice Samples of Speechelo vs Speechelo Pro

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