How to prepare your Resume

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One of the main things to take care about when starting your professional career, or when looking for a job is to prepare a good resume. Your curriculum is your presentation letter to jumpstart your career in your future job. There are different paths that one can take when you finish your studies. Either you decide to start a freelancer career, go for an internship or first job position or even you may want to start your own business. In any case, you somehow will have to showcase your experience when you have to do your pitch.

We are selling ourselves all the time, in some sort of way. So preparing a Resume should not be really complicated to do. There are different tools online that may help you to start writing your resume. In this web you can find some templates to do your resume.

There are some other websites that offer online resume templates that would help you to prepare your resume like Envato Elements or even Canva, which is free.

But what idea can I give you beside just some template? Well I will share you some important things that I consider you should have in your resume.

office staff is summarizing the work to present

Highlight any experience that you might have.

“But I haven’t worked” well, if that is your case, search for any type of job or extra activity that you have done during your life. Any school or university activity will help you. Of course some recruiters might be aware that you are just starting your career, so they won’t ask too much in this area. But if they see that you were active in some other areas during your studies that could be useful for yourself.

I want to share you my experience when I land a job on ARP Europe, what it used to be a subsidiary from Bechtle. When I was working on my family business, I started to develop this blog and to learn more about digital marketing. Time after when I went back to Germany to do my master’s degree, I searched for a student job and found a position in ARP. I was called to an interview, and one aspect that they liked the most was that I developed my own website and that I was proactive on learning and doing. They gave me the chance to have the student position and eventually I got the job once I finished my master.

So never hesitate that some of your side hustles won’t help you. Everything that helps you to grow professionally will be an advantage to add to your experience.

Update your skills.

Never, ever think that what you learned during the university will be enough. It is true that you need to keep yourself on the top by learning. Try new courses, other diplomas or any educational formation that could keep giving you a plus to yourself. In Digital Marketing the trends change constantly, it is also the same in other business areas. Don’t let yourself to stop and wait in one place without updating your skills.

If you are looking for a job, and you haven’t had good luck in finding one, don’t give up and also use the time to keep yourself learning. There are tons of free courses that can help you to update your skills, so just open Google and start that work.

Learn new languages

By default, English has been the standard language of communication. If you have another mother language and learn English, it would be ok. But if you want to expand your area of opportunities, try apps like Duolingo that could give you a kickstart for learning a new language.

Of course having german knowledge helped me, but look for a language that sounds appealing to you. If a recruiter or decision maker knows that you could speak another language it could be beneficial in your area.

So your side hustle, update skills and languages are key areas I suggest you to develop so that you can have enough material to write on your resume. Let the light inside you outstand from the crowd.