
Best VPS WordPress Hosting

If you are searching for the best VPS WordPress hosting, keep reading to learn more about what is a VPS, why it is better than a shared hosting, and what options do you have to choose the best VPS for you.

Best vps wordpress hosting
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What is a VPS WordPress hosting?

A VPS generates the same function of a dedicated server, but it is still running in the same shared physical server.

The hosting provider adds a virtual layer above the operative system of the server through a virtualization technology.

The virtualization technology sets individual compartments with virtual wall, generating an independent space from other users, so that can install their OS and Software.

This way a VPS can be used as a WordPress Hosting easily.

Since the files are totally separated, this create a total private environment with its own CPU, RAM, storage resources for your WordPress website.

IT engineer checking servers in data center

Managed WordPress Hosting vs VPS vs Dedicated Hosting vs Shared Hosting

There will be many terms appearing that might sound confusing at the beginning, but as one start to become proficient with WordPress, it should not be confusing.

There are plenty of hosting services that will promote themselves to be specially designed for WordPress, and the question will be, does it really worth a special “WordPress Hosting” in comparison to a Managed Hosting, Shared, Dedicated or VPS Hosting?

We will try to define the simple way.

A Managed WordPress Hosting is basically a normal hosting that can be either shared or dedicated or VPS. The hositing provider is actually giving an extra service to help to the user to have an easier experience setting up WordPress on their servers. Does it really worth the extra cost? In our opinion, not really, unless you are a person that will totally require someone to guide you. Honestly, there will be hosting providers that might market themselves as the best Managed WordPress option, but you can actually go directly to their supplier website and run WordPress for yourself. In some cases there will be some technical aspects required.

A Shared hosting has been for years one of the most common hosting for WordPress to be used due to the lower price. The disadvantage that it has is that it shares the physical server resources with other users, therefore if there were peaks of use of some other user, it might also affect the performance of your website.

A Dedicated hosting in contrast is a higher price server since all of the physical server resources are just allocated to one user. In this case, there are no other users that can affect the performance of your server.

A VPS Hosting has been the mix between having the shared physical server, but with the advantage that thanks to virtualization technology, it can assign unique resources to the user, generating a dedicated and independent environment. This technology offer the best of two world, the low prices of shared hosting and the higher performance of dedicated hosting.


Best VPS WordPress Hosting

There are several VPS Hosting providers that can be used for WordPress.

You can either use them directly from their website or you can use them through Cloudways, which due to its interface, it eases the deployment of WordPress Websites.

Cloudways states that there is a difference in performance between Cloud and VPS Hosting.

For this website, we started to use Cloudways early 2021, since it was highly recommended on several Facebook groups.

We moved from Siteground to Cloudways Vultr High Frequency. On Cloudways basically can be used different hosting providers.

A platform such Cloudways offers different providers like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Linode, Digital Ocean and Vultr High Frequency. You can select according to budget, resources or preferences.

After a while in our website, we changed from Cloudways directly to Vultr.

Even if you are not a full software engineer, using Vultr directly is simple and it is half the price than using Cloudways.

We made the change and after some further optimization we got better results. 

Cloudways Vultr High Frequency Speed Test June 2021

Direct Vultr High Frequency Speed Test December 2021

The website was using Cloudways on Vultr High Frequency with 1 CPU core, 1 GB Ram and 32 GB storage.

The improvement from Siteground to Cloudways was a good reduction in loading times.

The main homepage after an optimization achieves a full loading time of 731 ms, really good comparing to previous hosts such as Kinsta, Siteground and Godaddy.

But digging deeper and questioning, is it really worth paying $13 per month when I can have a bit more resources for the same price in Vultr website? We have to try out.

Updraft plus free version was used to do the migration. A backup was created and then uploaded to the new server. This might not be the best solution but it worked. 

Also the server from Vultr High Frequency was scaled to a Mexico City based data center and a VPS of the 80 GB Storage, 2 CPU, 2 GB Memory Ram and 3 TB Ram for $18 per month. So basically more performance for just $6 more, and in a Plesk panel, which is easier to use than the Cloudways interface.

The total loading time went from the 731 ms to 581 ms. 

Considering that the website has plugins such as Elementor and WPML which are known to be “slow WordPress plugins”, now it is proven that is not, and that Vultr High Frequency can be one of the best VPS WordPress Hosting with high speed.

Vultr has Data Centers around the world, therefore you can get VPS WordPress Hosting in Sao Paulo Brazil, Tokyo Japan, United States, Amsterdam Netherlands, Frankfurt Germany, Paris France, Stockholm Sweden, Singapore, Seoul Korea, and Sydney Australia.

They already announced more Data centerrs like in Madrid, Warsaw and Melbourne.

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