
7 Best Heilbronn Events to visit while being in Germany

As mentioned in other blog posts about things to do in Heilbronn, the city itself has few but good events.

Of couse, there is no comparison in the number of the main events of Heilbronn compared to Stuttgart, Munich or Berlin.

But my truth is that Heilbronn do also has some great events around the year that any visitors, newcomer students or people from the region should have a try.

So if you are wandering what events does Heilbronn has, following up I share a list of events that are hold in this location.

Heilbronn Events
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Heilbronner Weindorf


I might consider the Heilbronner Weindorf as the best event of the place.

Since the Heilbronn region offers around the opportunity to walk around the beautiful vineyards, visitors can have a taste of this wine at the Weindorf.

Local producers near Heilbronn, gather in the streets of the city center, and set up some booths where they sell their wine.

The whole streets get so crowded that it makes it really fun to be walking around with your glass of wine on the hand, or with the wine glass hanger which was a really good invention to be hands-free.

As well, there are popular German snacks offered such as Pommes, Bretzels or Bratwursts, as well as some Raclette.

The Weindorf runs for around 2 weeks and it is held usually on September.

For us, as international students, it was a perfect event to meet new random people.

Heilbronn Trollinger Marathon

The Trollinger Marathon is another main event that is held around May.

People for different places from the world, come to run 21km or 42km around the amazing landscape that the Heilbronn region offers.

I did train for my first half marathon, which was a great experience.

What did surprised me, was that aside from water for the runners, there was also some wine, so in case that you want to be running with some wine, you could also have a stop for a sip.

Running every hill of the vineyards makes it really special as it is a different way to explore the smaller towns nearby.

Heilbronn Weihnachtsmarkt

The Weihnachtsmarkt are a really special event not only in Heilbronn, but in many cities of Europe.

Each and every single Weihnachtsmarkt has its own special feature, and Heilbronn Weihnachtsmarkt do also offers a great environment the days before christmas.

From the las weeks of November till December, the city center of Heilbronn is surrounded by the wooden cabins, where visitors can go and have a taste of the traditional Glühwein, which is a hot drink made of wine, and some other flavors, that certainly help to warm up the body, specially on those cold winter days.

Hochsprung Heilbronn

An upcoming event to Heilbronn is the High Jump tournament.

I got to know and have some interest of this event in the region of Heilbronn, mainly due to a mexican athlete, Edgar Rivera, that is from my city, Agua Prieta, and has participated in the Eberstadt Hochsprung events in 2018 and 2019.

While I was living in Heilbronn, and knew about the events, I decided to go to Eberstadt, which was some S-bahn stops far away from Heilbronn, and I took my bicycle and took a ride in the beatiful roads towards the town where the tournament was held.

The two years I went out to support him, the environment of this sport event was also fun.

Before the competition started, the place had the typical german benches to chill with some friends.

For 2020, the organizers take the decision to move the event to Heilbronn, but due to the worldwide events, 2023 was finally the year where Heilbronn will host this sports event. 

Seefest Heilbron Live-Band Music Concert

Heilbronn offers during the summer-autumn time the Seefest, which is a 4 day event where the area of the Böckingen in Heilbronn offers live-bands.

The music concerts are held by regional bands, and mostly music is related to rock.

This events is ideal to have another excuse to go out and meet with some friends.

Heilbronn Pferdemarkt 

An event in Heilbronn is the Pferdemarkt where the area in the city also offers a small market.

As well, in the Trappensee area there is so horse competitions.

Heilbronner Volksfest at Theresenwiesen

The Oktoberfest from Munich and the Frühlingsfest from Stuttgart, are well known for being beer events where people visit huge tents to have the huge beer mugs, have some roasted chicken, pommes, drink and dance.

In a smaller version, Heilbronn offers the Volksfest, which is a replica of the Frühlingsfest.

The whole parking lot of Theresenwisen hosts as well riding games, making it a good entertainment for locals.

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