Insightful Car Accident Statistics: Informative Data Every Driver Needs
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Driving is part of everyday life for millions of people. It is also associated with risks that most people really do not take seriously. Many drivers go through their routines, rarely thinking about the danger involved.
Car accident statistics are important. They tell a story to be passed on to every driver: one of danger, responsibility, and the need for safety while behind the wheel.
In most cases, immediately after a car accident, the people involved feel shaken and confused. It is generally a stressful situation that leaves you wondering what to do next. The best course of action, after seeking medical attention, is to hire an experienced car accident lawyer. They’ll handle the rest.
Updating yourself with some information about statistics will help you make better decisions while on the road and even after a crash.
Let’s discuss the car accident statistics every driver should know.
Fatalities Due to a Car Accident
The most sobering statistic is the number of fatalities that result from car accidents each year. In 2020, there were 35,766 fatal car accidents on all roadways in the United States.
Another 1,593,390 were crashes resulting in injuries, and 3,621,681 caused property damage. Essentially, the total comes out to 5,250,837 collisions in one year.
Causes of Car Accidents
The following two are the usual suspects when it comes to car accidents:
- Drunk Driving
- Speeding
Two of the most common factors contributing to fatal crashes were drunk driving, followed by speed. In the year 2020, drunk driving and speeding caused 11,654 and 11,259 deaths on the road, respectively.
Furthermore, the majority of fatal collisions are due to distracted drivers.
Age and Car Accident Risk
While anyone from any age group can drive and cause an accident, some groups have a higher risk factor. Car accidents are very common among those under the age of 20.
In 2020, 11% of all car accident fatalities resulted in those under the age of 20 being killed, accounting for a total of 4,414 in that year alone.
On the other end, drivers over 65 face increased risks due to lower reflexes and reduced vision.
Day and Time Patterns
The day and the time of the week equally affect the probability of a car accident. It has been shown that the time of the day also determines the possibility of a car crash.
Night is much more dangerous, as 35% of all fatal crashes occur between 6:00 p.m. and midnight.
Roadways are also deadlier on some days. Indeed, just about half of all deadly car crashes happen over the course of the weekend, including Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Seat Belts Save Lives
In 2022, 25,420 passenger vehicle occupants lost their lives. About 50% of them weren’t wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident.
Seat belts saved an estimated 14,955 lives and could have saved an additional 2,549 people if they had been wearing seat belts. These numbers are from 2017.
The result of not wearing or improperly wearing a seat belt is obvious:
- Your seatbelt keeps you safe inside your vehicle. Without it, you will be ejected out of the vehicle in the event of a collision, which in most cases is fatal.
- Airbags may not be able to save you. In fact, an airbag can even kill or severely injure you if you are not wearing your seatbelt.
- Wearing your seat belt improperly, such as with the strap below your arm, can be dangerous in the event of a crash.
Every time a person gets into a car, they are responsible not only for their own safety but also for the safety of every person who travels on the road. All of us can make a difference by remaining conscious of these facts and making efforts to drive safely.
Always remember to buckle up, put away the distractions, follow the speed limits, and never, under any condition, drive after drinking too much.
It is not just about performing what the rules say. It is about safeguarding lives—the most important being yours. Let us all do our part to guarantee that the roads are safe for everyone.